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We believe there is more to you than what you see. God has hidden greatness inside of everyone. We believe your purpose will never be discovered until you are in God’s Holy Presence, and where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.


Our calling is to bring God’s undeniable presence to inspire the release of greatness that is inside of us. Through “Nothing Into Something” we work extensivley with the local church to connect and teach them how to implement discipleship programs in their community. Some of these programs include “Celebrate Recovery”, which helps those with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and “Malachi Dads” , a fatherhood discipleship program for men in prison. We want to be the connector piece for these programs and the local church to equip the church for the mission field that is in their own back yard.


Chris Mcdaniel and his team has over 25 years experience serving in churches, prisons, and rehab centers all over the United States. We have been called and given a great passion to reestablish the presence of the local church in the community by outreach and ministries in the local jails and prisons.

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