Life begins with a conversation, and God has given me a unique gift to always start a conversation with everyone I meet. Since he has changed my life, my life's heartbeat is about sharing what I found in and through Jesus Christ. Many conversations have led to opportunities to lead people to Christ or pray for various needs, but the thing God has shown me over the last several years is, the more you talk, the more you find out. Then you start to see that they are more about connections than they are conversations. My antennas, spiritual antennas, start paying close attention. It's there where I see what I call "God Stories”. For the past 15 years of ministry I have encountered many God stories. John chapter 15, Jesus says," I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains, abides, connects, to me, I will remain, abide, and connect to him, and he will bear much fruit.” We could think of fruit in several ways: the fruit of the harvest , the fruit of encouragement, or the fruits of the spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. Through my spiritual antennas, eyes and ears, I've seen God connect so many things together that it's almost like it's unbelievable when I tell it to someone else. When I have regurgitated the stories I've seen God use them to encourage and edify others who were in desperate need to hear exactly what the Lord allowed me to see. That is why I am doing Connect The Dots. It will be a video driven group of testimonies of how God connects the dots in everyday life, and the fruit it bares will encourage and bring hope to the hopeless, and light a fire in the believer that God is not in a box, but He is connecting the dots for His Glory and our good. God has blessed me with the media resources to fulfill this mission far beyond what I could have imagined! That’s just another dot He has CONNECTED!
-Chris McDaniel